I am so uplifted and inspired after Biz Divas tonight!

Quite honestly, I was feeling a little burned out this summer and decided to put Biz Divas on hold for two months so I could re-prioritize and decide if running Biz Divas still fit in my vision. I learned a very valuable lesson because I allowed myself to take a step back and re-evaluate. Thanks to my coach Heather Laughter for assisting me with getting clear about how to move forward and remember my passion.

This is what I learned and it’s ironic that it’s what I taught at Biz Divas also this month. 🙂 We teach what we need to learn the most.

I was reminded of my passion and realized that I got stuck in some of the mechanics that drive me bonkers. I’m not the detail person, yet I was focusing on the details…yet I was wondering why I was getting burned out???? Hilarious!

This is one my absolute favorite videos and this was shown tonight at Biz Divas also.

Entrepreneurs are making a difference. It starts with our personal economy, then ripples to our local economy creating a global shift.

Marilyn Sorensen: Visionary, JV Genius & Professional Hugger.

Thank to you to the beautiful and amazing Marilyn Sorensen for being my partner in success and the other half of the “Power Twins!” She was a fantastic co-presenter tonight!