I had an amazing conversation two weeks ago with the beautiful Karen Graves of Your Sales Fix. She is the ideal blend of identifying what is really blocking you in your business and bridging the gap with a powerful SALES skill set.

It was so synergistic because we both shared our values and what is important to us in business partnerships. Actually this applies to any kind of partnership. If we hadn’t shared from our authentic space we wouldn’t have seen how we can truly be collaborative partners.

If we had kept our authenticity and sharing our full gifts with each other we would have been robbed of a great connection that will turn into an opportunity in the future.

Are you hiding your gifts? Sharing the full power of your authentic gifts will set you free. If you hold back you will ultimately sabotage your business.

Karen and I have this synergy of supporting women from an authentic, spiritual and strategic place. We believe, and have experienced, that in order to have your success sustainable, long-term, fulfilling and absolutely brilliant you have to have two things: 1-Skill Set and 2-Mindset. Mindset is a general term that also encompasses your confidence, spiritual connection and soul purpose. You get the idea right?

You have many gifts and the moment you think “I can’t share that one because it’s too much, or too woo-woo or too whatever,” you are cutting yourself off from making a difference for people, from money and from full self expression. And without full self expression, you start hiding your brilliance and become hidden. And that my friends, leads to slow death of your purpose. Since your expressing your full purpose is connected to your bank account, then you start to see how many people are manifesting their money (or not manifesting it).

Is your business, every aspect of it, in alignment with your values and soul purpose?

I just passed up an opportunity to joint venture with someone that would have likely put at least a few thousand dollars in my bank account. BUT it didn’t feel right. Now be careful here. “Not feeling right” can be from two places: your insecurity/fear that you use your intuition as the escape route for, OR it’s truly not a good fit that serves you. So own your decision.

Why I passed up the opportunity is because it wasn’t truly an opportunity. It was a disguised distraction and the joint venture just simply didn’t resonate, it didn’t fully serve my community and it was one sided so it wasn’t a true joint venture.

I just passed up an opportunity to go to Africa this June, which has been a lifelong dream of mine. Why? Because I know I’m meant to go to Africa with a different group next spring. It was a tough decision to make and once I made it, I knew it was the right decision.

The first step to build your business is to get very clear on what is important to you.

What are your values? When being approached with opportunities, you’ll be able to quickly know if it’s a fit or not. Otherwise, you may likely start heading down that path you spend a lot of time trying to force something that simply doesn’t fit. That turns into a very expensive and exhausting experiment.

Take a moment now and identify what is important to you. Is it time with your family, going on a walk every day, meditation time, vacationing to a new place four weeks every  year? Is it giving back to your favorite charities? How much time do you really want to work? Why is money important to you?

When you explore these things according to YOU and what is in your heart, while you still remain open and teachable, you will know exactly what to do and when. Be careful of “doing it your way” to the point that you close yourself off from new perspectives and from be “coachable.”

Remember the best teachers are the best students too.

Now take an inventory of things in your life and business that are not in alignment with that. This next step is where most people get stuck. Eliminate and clear away things that don’t match. When you do this you will then have the space to say yes to the true opportunities that match your values and vision.

You will likely be uncomfortable because you are used to your life being so full. But in the open spaces is where your next step will unfold because there is room for it.

Go ahead, eliminate the “shoulds” from your life. Only spend time doing the things that align with what is important to you and what will really create results. Start with your calendar and respect your free time and your family time. Only put your clients on specific days so you can fully be present for them. Setting up this kind of structure will give the freedom and inspiration you are seeking a place to land.

This is where the magic happens. This synergy with clients, prospects, joint ventures, employees and everyone in your business is what builds credibility, trust, profits and strong referrals.

Are you keeping your values a secret? These values are your gifts. It’s your passion. It’s what is important to you. Acknowledging this will attract the people and opportunities that are a real match for you.

To Your Success!
