I’m in beautiful Tucson, Arizona at an event…I love live events. It’s like “coming home” to participate in the magic that happens in a live environment with hundreds of other like-minded people.

A friend of mine invited me to join her and several people she knows for dinner last night. I arrived and realized I knew one person and had briefly interacted with two other people in the past few months. (I’m enjoying a Prickly Pear “juice” in the picture to the left.)

As I approached this table of mostly unknown faces, my shy self came out and I got to push through the fear of the unknown and connect with these folks at the table. People are often shocked to know that I’m a fairly shy person. Walking into a room with people I don’t know is tough for me. But I do it because I know the pay off is priceless.

During dinner we talked. We laughed. There were even a few tears shed. We shared what we were grateful for. There was an enormous amount of support to be received and generated at this table. I looked around and saw the collective capital we all brought…our experience, our expertise, our breakdowns, our breakthroughs….all of it. I was sitting at a 7-figure table. The resources we all were for each other compounded into something extraordinary. And we all got it.

This is the value of showing up even when there is that moment of fear of the unfamiliar.

Where is your 7-figure table?

Are you surrounding yourself with like-minded people who support you? It’s easy to feel alone on this path of an entrepreneur. In fact, one of the women shared how appreciative she was to connect with everyone because “as an entrepreneur who works from home by herself most of the time, it gets lonely.” We all nodded our head in agreement; we have all been there.

This is why I commit to attending someone else’s event once per quarter.This is why I host two of my own events every year. This is why I’ve ran my networking group Biz Divas for over FOUR YEARS because I know the resource is needed for women-preneurs to connect on a soul level in addition to building our kick-butt business strategies.

After being at this event for one day, I received the following (and none of this is exaggerated or made up)

  • Content and ideas of how to shift my programs to provide MORE while leveraging my time and talent. (PRICELESS)
  • Over a dozen contacts who want to be part of my JV network in some form or another.
  • I met an event planner who will likely be part of my team for my future events.
  • I met someone who found one of my fan pages on Facebook two days and had no idea I was the person behind that brand. (And I have to admit, I’ve not been active on that fanpage for a while BUT she still connected with who I was, my brand and my mission.) We will likely be doing a joint venture AND I have a referral for her.
  • I gave several referrals to people who I felt could benefit from knowing each other.
  • I ran into someone I met six months ago and just yesterday I was telling one of my client’s spouses about this guy and his business model. When I was sharing this with my client’s spouse, I could not remember his name for the life of me. TODAY, this person was sitting at my table so we were able to connect and now I’m able to complete the referral I started yesterday. Seriously, what are the chances?
  • I have filled my own cup of confidence and joy!
  • I had many ah-has and one in particular being where I can improve my boundaries, which is essential in creating a sustainable business.
  • I have learned from a master.
  • I have enjoyed a beautiful environment that reminds me that abundance is everywhere. (And I’m excited to enjoy the spa here for some fabulous self care!)

All of this is ONE day. And all of this because I made the decision to show up. It wasn’t totally convenient – I could have all kinds of excuses about how I have an incredibly busy month, I miss my husband, I have a growing to-do list (as always)… I could spend the $1,000+ dollars somewhere else in my business and the three days on other things…AND I chose to show up.

Here is the million dollar question:

Where are you showing up? Where are you not?

How is this creating the results you want? How is it getting in the way of your desired results?

Showing up means taking full accountability for your results. It means playing full out even when you are uncomfortable. It means showing up even when you have fear and when you aren’t sure of what to do.

Show up. Play full out.

Take your seat at your 7-figure table. Create your own table and invite the people you want to connect with to join you. Start your own party.