When I immersed myself into the guru coaching world in 2008, I learned a few things that took me years to unlearn and unwind. Things like: In order to BE a coach, you NEED a coach. (This is in fact, false, but makes for some sexy jargon in the coaching world.) Making six figures is a goal you “should” aspire to and making six figures means that you’re serious about your biz. (This is also in fact, false. I know lots of people who make six figures and have no cash flow and/or hate their life.) If you’re business isn’t working and/or you’re not making money, then you need to hire a coach. (This too, is false.)

For years, I hired coach after coach as a way to prove how coachable I was and to show that if I was going to be a coach, I better have a coach. The result? I hired some not-so-great coaches. I paid people lots of money when I didn’t actually NEED a long-term coach or another formula.

What I actually required was clarity. Clarity on what exactly? Clarity on:

1. MY MESSAGE (how I was unique and how people benefit).
2. MY MARKETING (how I was going to sell my stuff).
3. MY MONEY-MAKERS (the stuff I was selling: products, programs, and pricing).

What I got a lot of was formulas of what worked for my mentors, but not what worked for me. Once I knew these three elements, message, marketing, and money-makers, I could take action. Action helps with results, but I couldn’t figure that stuff out in a large group program. Or in a 30-minute coaching call. What I’m describing is a common theme I see with lots of entrepreneurs. If you can relate and would like to see what else is possible then you’re going to love what’s coming up at the end of this month.

There are two things you can do with this:

1. If your business isn’t working or the money is inconsistent, then which area is lacking in your business? Your message, marketing, or your offers (money-makers)?
Once you identify which of those top three is lacking or unclear, start with that ONE. That ONE will support the other two, so you don’t have to feel so overwhelmed with figuring it all out at once. If all three areas are unclear, I recommend start with your message, then go to what you are you going to sell, and then move to your marketing.

2. You can also get support with these three things in my upcoming 2-day Business Alchemy Immersion. You receive private support from me as well as with a small group setting of no more than six people.

This means that you get true support and clarity. It’s more affordable than working with me privately. (I only work with a handful of private clients each year now.) You don’t have to fight for attention in a large group program. Plus, you don’t have to take months (or years) trying to figure it out on your own.

When I do this work with clients, they grow their business more quickly. Plus, it’s easy to implement the vision because you know what to do. AND they have the confidence to back up their vision, which is huge!

P.S. The next immersion is May 31-June 1. The next one won’t be until the fall.