To all of my fellow empaths and intuitive folks out there, I really love using this tool as a way to clear my energy and only run MY energy, instead of picking up everyone else’s energy and wonder why I feel like a crazy person. 🙂

The Emerald Vortex came about because the traditional way of shielding my energy wasn’t working. I was using the guideline of putting myself in white light, or imagining myself in a bubble of energy and anyone else’s energy would reflect back and not be absorbed.

This is essential if you are an empath like I am.
I had a Rapid Eye Therapy session with a wonderful practitioner and at one point during the session I kept seeing this shape: it was an elongated diamond within another elongated diamond.

The image was there for at least ten minutes. I’m not typically a “see-er” (seer?) so this was something I knew I needed to pay attention to.

When I opened up my Akashic records and asked my guides what this was, I was told it’s an Emerald Vortex. I Googled it and nothing really came up.

Here is what I’ve been told it is and what it means:

It’s a tool to shield your energy and protect yourself; it’s also a tool to clear out old energy and energy that isn’t yours in a very loving way.
The thing that always felt off for me with the traditional “surround yourself with white light” and have anything that comes at you reflect back to the person was that it felt like I was “throwing” the energy back out and that didn’t feel good. But it also didn’t feel good to absorb the energy so this is working MUCH better.

So image yourself in that inner diamond (the vortex). Imagine that inner diamond spinning (in any direction you would like) and any energy that isn’t yours is caught in that outer diamond. In that outer diamond is where your guides, angels and who ever else you ask to be there, is hanging out doing their magic. They transmute that energy in the field of emerald green (love) and lovingly deliver the lesson to the person who generated that energy in the first place so they can receive that lesson when ever they are ready.

One of the things we empaths do is take on other people’s energy and in turn it robs people of experiencing their life lesson. So this is a way to deliver the energy back in it’s highest vibration of love and also clear out our energy at the same time.

That is what I know right now about the Emerald Vortex. So if that resonates for you, then use it, change it, play with it, etc.

The other recent thing I’ve been studying is how green is the color of life – it’s the color of the plants that create oxygen, it’s the life force of the food we eat when we eat high vibrational food. It’s the color of the heart chakra, which is the middle chakra (as you may likely know) and it transmutes our crown chakra to our root chakra. The energy that passes through our heart chakra is infused with love.

So for me this process of putting myself in the inner vortex and calling in my guides and angels to be in the outer vortex when I go speak, when I market myself, when I’m in difficult conversations, etc. is working well to protect my energy and also infuse everything I do, say, think or touch with love. It’s a way to go into every situation with love and a pure heart. It’s also the way to heal my energy and clear out the energy that isn’t mine.