Just checking in with you – we’re officially in a new year and guess what?

You don’t have to subscribe to this “new you, new year,” hype.

Give yourself grace.

You don’t have to “crush” it in your business.
You don’t have to lose weight to be all you can be.
You don’t have to “find love” to complete you. (cuz no one can complete you, you are already whole.)
You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.

So, keep healing.
Keep dreaming.
Keep coping.
Keep resting.
Keep creating.
Keep taking care of your mental health.
Keep loving yourself.

And do it in a way that works for you.

There isn’t this magical moment where everything will change because of the calendar.

You’re still you. Love yourself. It’s enough.
I promise.

The only thing I’m interested in is continuing to detox from diet culture, toxic marketing, patriarchy, White supremacy, and relationships that take and don’t contribute. No resolutions for me. AND if resolutions work for you, go for it. Again, do what works for you!

The hubby and I escaped to Santa Clara, Utah #roadtrip to quarantine in a condo there that had a hot tub and is about 30 degrees warmer.

This trip gave me the space to have some grief show up and more about that below 👇

Let’s talk about grief in business.

I believe that in order to set any sort of resolutions or goals this year, we must first allow ourselves to be with grief. This is something I never really knew how to process or be present with. I would immediately override it with a positive spin.

Over the past few days, I’ve had a big epiphany around how grief is totally underestimated in our business.

What I’m finding is when I acknowledge grief and really let myself be in it, it’s unveiling and unraveling deep layers of expression, creativity, presence, and quite frankly, no tolerance for bull$hit.

You can check out this post on Instagram or Facebook all about how I experienced jealousy of someone’s year-end review and how they more than doubled their business in 2020 from the previous year. When I allowed myself to be jealous (ugh, I hate even admitting that) I realized there was shame… and then grief.

And wow, the space that’s opening up because I’m acknowledging that is moving some big-time energy, for which I’m grateful.